Obesity and Diabetic Surgery

Obesity and diabetic 
surgery Center 
Prof. Dr. med. Plamen Staikov

As one of the leading obesity centers in Europe with more than 1,000 operations per year, we request all bariatric surgical methods (gastric bypass, sleeve resection, mini gastric bypass, Sadi, Sassi etc. ...). We also specialize in revision surgery, which brings patients from all over Germany and even from all over the world to us. Basically, a surgical measure should be chosen if the conservative therapeutic approaches have failed or do not promise sufficient and lasting success. Obesity surgery, also known as bariatric or metabolic surgery, has two principles of surgical procedures. Which of the procedures ultimately comes into question for you depends on your previous history, eating habits and various other aspects. In the first interview, Prof. Dr. Staikov discuss this in detail with you and advise you on one of the appropriate procedures.
Adiposttas Privatsprechstunde Staikov Frankfurt Operation Abnehmen

Requirements for the operation

The health insurance can cover the costs if the conditions listed are fulfilled: 
  • your BMI is greater than 40 kg / m3 or
  • your BMI is greater than 35 and you suffer from serious health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, joint problems, heart problems or sleep apnea 
  • Your BMI is between 30 and 35 kg / m3 and you suffer from severe type 2 diabetes. 
  • You have been overweight for over 5 years. 
  • A conservative therapy attempt for more than 6 months has been unsuccessful. 
  • You have no other diseases that are responsible for obesity 
  • You are ready to change permanently and take lifelong aftercare
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Adipositasoperation Magenbypass Sleeve Schlauchmagen MGB Bariatrie Staikov

Methods of bariatric surgery

There are two principles of surgical procedures. Which method you ultimately consider depends on your history, eating habits and various other factors. Your surgeon will discuss this in detail with you and advise you on a procedure that is suitable for you.
Restrictive Method (sleeve resection): reduce Food Input possibility, quicker and Long-staing saturation feeling
Malabsorbative procdures (BPD): part of the food consumed is absorbed, reduced calorie intake 
Combined procedures (gastric bypass, MGB, OAGB): absorption capacity is significantly reduced, absorption is additionally reduced
Adipositasoperation Magenbypass Sleeve Schlauchmagen MGB Bariatrie Staikov Abnehmen

Consequences of the operation

In order to achieve the best possible aftercare and subsequent healthy weight loss, you will have follow-up appointments after an operation. Follow-up 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery is recommended in the first postoperative year. Later it should take place annually. Your blood values (vitamins, protein, iron, etc.) are checked. After the operation, patients lose approximately 80% of their excess weight and can only consume half of the normal portion. This is why lifelong supplements (vitamin tablets and calcium) are necessary. Concomitant diseases such as hypertension, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes disappear or improve significantly. With the large weight loss a skin apron could form, which must be cared for by the plastic surgeon (gladly in our clinic).

Hospital stay

Inpatient stay in the Sachsenhausen hospital

If you have received an operation appointment, you have to be prepared for it. Your doctor will tell you exactly what to do. On first day of your stay we will check your blood, ecg, make gastroscopy and lunge test. You will have consultation with anastesia doctor and with Professor himself. On the next day is your operation. Regular hospital-stay is 4 days.

Follow-up after the bariatric operation

takes place 3, 6 and 12 months after the operation. Annual follow-up care is sufficient later.

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